Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Evening 8-3-10

Night 17

It was good to have visitors again. Thank you to those that have been by, it makes the day go by so much faster and Guy lights up when he sees familiar faces. His memory is very good when identifying people, even a few we haven't seen in a while. I stand in awe at how the brain is an unbelievable organ. It can be injured and still be amazing in how it functions. Mighty hands had to create such an organ. How can people not believe in the Master Creator, LORD? AND how could someone go through this and not know HIM?

The hospital social worker came in this afternoon and said the doctor is ready to dismiss Guy from the hospital tomorrow. The hurdle left is insurance being in place at the Missouri Rehab Center. So... I think/plan on moving tomorrow.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind and less impulsive
His right leg to continue to gain strength (he can lift it now, it is just slower moving)
Easy transition to the new location

Prayer for the Family
Wisdom and Focus on what needs to be done/completed now-- How to Balance Guy, Kids, School getting ready to start.
Patients while he is clearing his mind
An easy trasition to the new location

Message to the Newcomb Kids
I talked to Granny and Papa today, 2 baby calves have been born and a lot more on the way. You will be on "baby calf sighting" duty starting tomorrow. This is MY FAVORITE TIME of year on the farm. I will need daily updates.
Hugs and Kisses
I LOVE you!


  1. Whew. Good that the big transition is on the horizon. Sorry that we didn't get down this week, but I have a cold and didn't want to expose Guy! I agree. We are so fearfully and wonderfully made. Guess the eating and infections went better today, but still adding that to the prayer list! :)


  2. We continue to pray - expectantly! Love - The DeRossett's

  3. Mt. Vernon did an amazing job with my son. He was not able to walk and was incontinent when he got there...when he left, he walked out on his own and his bodily functions were normal! Guy's situation is much different that Chris's, but it's still the place you want to be! Prayers continue from our family. Keep that powerful faith!

  4. So glad to hear that improvement is being made daily! We continue to keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.


    The Sheppecks

  5. We are giving praises on Guy's continued improvement and are so glad that he gets to enjoy visitors. Praying for a smooth transition for you guys today and are so thankful that the healing process is beginning. As always, please let us know if you need anything!

    The Carrs
