Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Midday 8-4-10

We are still at Cox, the hold up is an insurance hold up. Mt. Vernon is ready for us as soon and the insurance is lined up. Guy is ready to be moving, he needs interaction and things to do. When just sitting he gets aggetated and impatient. I have been told in Mt. Vernon they will meet all his needs for the above list.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind and less impulsive (obedient)
His right leg to continue to gain strength (he walked using the walker today, the right leg is weaker.)
Easy transition to the new location

Prayer for the Family
Wisdom in all situations
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Understanding of the brain injury

Message to the Newcomb Kids
See you in a bit!
Hugs and Kisses
I LOVE you!


  1. We look forward to getting Guy "Home" to Mt. Vernon. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. God bless your family.

  2. Thank the Lord Guy is walking. Hopefully you will get to Mt. Vernon soon. Vicki, you, Guy and everyone involved remain in our prayers.
    The Helton family
