Saturday, July 31, 2010

Evening 7-31-10

Night 14
Guy has been awake most of today (I ran home for part of the day to take care of a few things, but while I have been here he has been awake). He is watching the Cardinals and wanting the Computer to send out emails. If you get an email from him read and enjoy, but I doubt he will remember sending it ;)

Physical Therapy helped him stand today. The right leg will hold weight and he is able to move it pull it up/bend it at the knee on his own. I say hold weight, it would as well as the left but both legs were pretty wobbly. The PT said that the leg was something they would work on, seeing as nothing showed up on the MRI it has to be related to the head injury. His catheter has been removed so he has less tubes to irritate him. He passed the swallow test and was able to eat a REAL lunch and dinner. Prayers have been answered today, but don't quit..The list is smaller but we still have work to be done. Thanks everyone!

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infections to clear-white blood count was the same today as yesterday.
His right leg to continue to gain strength

Prayer for the Family
Wisdom and Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder

Message to the Newcomb Kids
It was so good to spend some time with you three at home. I enjoyed hearing the songs and watching you preform them for me. You will need to teach me the orange one and the button one. those would be fun to do at school. I hope you had fun at the movies. BE GOOD for Jo and Carl and please pet Patches for me.
Hugs and Kisses
I Love You!

Morning 7-31-10

Day 13
Guy continues to become more and more talkative, it just does not all make sense. On the 8th floor the nurses have more patients so it is not the same intense care he was recieving down stairs. He is not able to be left alone so he is assigned a PCA (Patient Care Assistant) at all times, they are also know as "sitters".

The doctors think they will release us from the hospital sometime this next week. Guy will not be ready to go home but to a Rehabilitation Center. The Hospital Social Worker talked to me about places in Missouri that work with Brain Trama patients and one of the best is located in Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Guy graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and we have several frineds that live there and Guy has an aunt and uncle that live a short distance away. Isn't God good? Even through we have experienced this tramatic event of Guy's accident, I have learned a lot about God's grace and how he will take care of all our needs. For me physically I haven't had to want for a meal, at meal time someone shows with food or takes me for a ride to get food. Spritually when I open the blog, facebook, or my email someone has sent me scripture, a song, or words of wisdom which is exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. I don't want to make this about me, but I want people to see how God has worked through them and how GOOD HE is.... ALL the time.... in ALL situations.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infections to clear
eat and drink on his own-he ate jello this morning
His right leg

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder

Message to the Newcomb Kids
I know you are having fun with the Rock Solid counselors and the Freshwater Youth. I can't wait to hear about the Tiger Ball tournament last night and how Canton's hockey lesson goes today. Tell Shelley, thank you for sharing her counselors with you.
Hugs and Kisses
I Love You!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Evening 7-30-10

Guy has made it to the 8th floor room 826! He has had a pretty good: day making sense but getting agitated when he doesn't get what he wants. He wants to go home, have a chew, and be able to get up to go to the bathroom (all of which he can not do yet).

Talking to Guy has been a little difficult having to repeat things over and over and entertaining at other times. For your enjoyment: Once today we were talking and I was trying to explain to him where he was saying "you are in Cox South, you had and accident, you are in Neuro Trama ICU", and he responded "I see You, too". I had to laugh.

He is still in isolation due to the infections, so visitation is limited to immediate family ONLY. I will post when the door opens and when visitors can come, I know he will appreciate everyone who wants to come but with his immune system a little compromised with infection I am told it is best for him to have limited visitors. Thank you for understanding.

I think we are now out of the woods but have a long road to travel before getting home. I think that road will have hills, valleys, a few straigt aways, and hopefully not to many mountains. Thank you for your diligence in prayer so far and please continue. GOD is good!

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infection to clear
eat and drink on his own-he is eating ice chips
His right leg

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder
For our children, The Rock Solid Staff, and kids attending the camp.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Have a good time at the bon fire tonight. Eat a few roasted marshmallows for me!
Hugs and Kisses
I Love You!

Afternoon 7-30-10

We are moving out of NTICU!!!! (sometime this afternoon)

I will post details later.

Keep praying!

Morning 7-30-10

Day 12

I misspoke yesterday, they did not do another CAT Scan on Guy. The doctor was talking about the first two that had occured the night we came in and the following morning. Because those looked good (swelling did not increase or more bleeding did not show up) he opted for the MRI to check the spinal cord and tissues. The MRI shows that the cord is intact and complete. Basically they found that his back is a little out of whack but everything else is good. Good news is it all looks good, bad news they don't know what is causing the problem in the right leg. The nurse told me that after a head injury you wait a year (365 days) and the condition you are in at that point is where you will normally stay. SO I heard wait 353 more days...ugggh

I have not seen it yet, but the nurse does think the right leg has more strength today and that she saw him cross it over his left. I will let you know when I see it. For those of you who know Guy well, he is asking for chew and telling the nurse that I am a pain in the butt for not helping him by running to the car to get him some. They also took his neck collar off which has to make him more comfortable. Guy's white blood count is down some today so the antibiotics seem to be working on all the infections.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infection to clear
eat and drink on his own
His right leg

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder
For our children, The Rock Solid Staff, and kids attending the camp.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Have Fun at Rock Solid Camp today!!
Hugs and Kisses
I Love You!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evening 7-29-10

Night 12

Guy is a little more aware this evening, he remembered that he was in Springfield and began answering questions with yes and no shakes of the head. He is talking in some phrases. I am learning that head injuries are really slow moving.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infection to clear and NO new infections to set in
removal of the neck brace-still waiting
eat and drink on his own
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder-feeling some better
For our children, The Rock Solid Staff, and kids attending the camp.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Be good for the Burlisons. Will you sleep in the tents?
Hugs and Kisses
I LOVE you,

Morning 7-29-10

Day 11

Anyone who knows Guy knows if it can happen, it will happen to Guy. He tested positive for staff, has pnemonia, and now has some type of bacterial infection that is highly contagious. The doctor says it would be hard for us to get it but fears it being carried to other patients. So I sit here in my plactic gown and gloves trying to type (excuse typos today..everyday).

We are still waiting on results from the MRI, but the CAT scan was good, I don't understand what good really means in this situation. The nurse is going to go and look at the CAT scan from when Guy came in on Sunday and the scan from the next morning and compare it to the CAT scan from yesterday. I want to know what is the same/different between the three scans in relation to swelling and blood spots (contusion areas). Hopefully I can give more detail later. Just Keep praying.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infection to clear and NO new infections to set in
removal of the neck brace-still waiting
eat and drink on his own -food tube was replaced so we can work toward this in another day.
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder-feeling some better
For our children, The Rock Solid Staff, and kids attending the camp.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
I LOVED spending the night with you!! It was very cozy,... so cozy we overslept. Have fun at Rock Solid today! Be good for the Burlison's and I will see you tonight.
Hugs and Kisses
I LOVE you,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Evening 7-28-10

Night 11
It will be morning before I hear anything on the MRI result. He still has on the neck collar. He was a little more awake today making more sense talking. Hopefully more news in the morning

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia to clear
removal of the neck brace-which would mean good neck results from the MRI
eat and drink on his own
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
My mother's gall bladder-feeling some better
For our children-a smooth transition back to Bolivar for Rock Solid Camp and a weekend with frined.
The Rock Solid Staff and kids attending.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
NO MESSAGE-THEY ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!!! Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait

Morning 7-28-10

Day 10
Yesterday was a very trying and tiring day. Very excited for Guy to wake up but a very trying day because of the head injury and the confusion that goes with it. I was reminded by a very wise woman, my mother, that we are over a week into this and I have not had to make any major decisions, Guy has not been to surgery, and a we continue to plug along without regression; all because of God's Grace. So my song of prayer today is "Your Grace is Sufficient". I Love you Mom and do listen to what you say :)

Plans for today
The doctor has requested Guy go for an MRI to scan the whole body. They are going to see what they can find about the right leg, check spine and neck. Hopefully they will be able to remove the neck collar. Guy is doing well with his oxygen levels without the ventalator but needs to work on taking deep breaths filling the injured lung completely. He also has tolerated going with out the constant IV pain medicine drip and only needs the occasional dose.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia to clear
removal of the neck brace-which would mean good neck results from the MRI
eat and drink on his own
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind-yesterday was exhausting
My mother's gall bladder-that the antibotics clear the inflamation
For our children-a smooth transition back to Bolivar for Rock Solid Camp and a weekend with frined.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Pack your bags, You are coming to spend the night with me in my room and then to Bolivar in the morning. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!
Hugs and Kisses
I Love you,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Afternoon 7-27-10

The good news is that he has continued to stay awake today taking just a couple cat naps and with little medicine given.

Due to the head injury he still has a road to travel for recovery. He does not like to be restrained but needs to be, he lost his food tube and medication lines once today due to fidgety fingers that found a way to grab them. The hospital gave me some information on levels of cognitive functioning. In this packet of information there are 9 levels, with 9 being the highest. Guy is currently operating at level 4 which is confused and agitated.

Even though he is awake, while in Neuro Trama ICU he will not be able to have visitors, but if you want to see the rest of us we are here.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia to clear- he started antibiotic today
Tolerate going without the medicines
eat and drink on his own so the feeding tube does not need to go back in
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients and wisdom while he is clearing his mind
My mother's gall bladder-that the antibotics clear the inflamation

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Clean up your messes and have fun at VBS.
Hugs and Kisses

Morning 7-27-10

Day 9

Ventalator out!
Sedation and Pain medicine turned off!
He knows his name, what year it is, my name, and the names of all 3 kids!
Praise be to the LORD!

The story of the morning-skip if you want and excuse all the I's but it is a story told from my perspective :)
When I was leaving at 5am, he was awake (no visitors from 5-8). I was telling him good-bye and that I would be back at 8. He was squished down in his bed and tried to grab the ventalator tubes. I don't think he would have gotten it but he got close, I grabbed his hand and called for the nurse. A nurse we had for a few days early on came to help me and to resecure his hands. Guy and this nurse had a rough night early on (because Guy was grumpy and on sedative) I giggled because he was growling, I thought. I even asked him, "are you growling at me for getting help or because this nurse came to help me." by this time the nurse who had Guy for the night shift came in and the two nursed talked "nurse talk" and went for the respitory therapist. The respitory therapist came in and found that a balloon of air that seals the airway was not holding air. Upon doctors orders they could remove the vent. I had to leave for the removal and did not think I would be allowed back in until 8, but told the nurse to call me if there was a problem. Thinking that I would not be able to get back into his room until 8 and sleep was out of the qustion, I headed to the YMCA for a run. My plan was 3 miles, shower, breakfast, and be back at 8. On the last lap to make 3, my phone rang and it was the nurse saying he was awake and asking for us. So I only completed the first thing on my list :), headed back and discovered the information posted at the top.

I am very excited that he is awake and knows us, but I also understand that we are still dealing with several things, including the head injury, and He are not out of the woods yet. We still have a road to travel. But right now I will SMILE and Praise the Lord. This was not the timing of the doctors or nurses, but God's timing. And God IS in CONTROL. He can do whatever He wants whenever He wants to.

Prayer for Guy

God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
That his white count be normal (it was elevated yesterday-fear pneumonia)
Tolerance of going with out the medicines (without the ventalator he no longer needed the sedation/pain medicine)
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients and wisdom while he is clearing his mind
My mother's gall bladder-that the antibotics clear the inflamation

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Shelley and the Rock solid staff are going to stop and visit me at the hospital tomorrow. I am looking forward to our sleepover tomorrow night and I will be envious of all the fun you will be having with Shelley and her staff while at camp and staying at the Burlison house. Be Good for Papa and Granny!
Hugs and Kisses
I Love You-Mom

Monday, July 26, 2010

Afternoon 7-26-10

Hannah was so excited, when I talked to her on the phone, that people were "talking" to her on the computer. She was so excited that Canton is wanting people to talk to him as well, there may be another blog in the making. Can't thank you enough for loving my children through your posts.

Update on Guy
The ventalator settings have been lowered again and Guy is tolerating it well.
The change in plan in short version: he receives additional meds every three hours through his feeding tube and that seems to be what he needed to make progress because:
Sedative was reduced from 4mg/hr down to 3mg/hr
Pain medication was reduced from 150 mcg/hr down to 100 mcg/hr
The nurse only bolused him 3 times today and with less medicine than yesterday. Yesterday he was bolused about every 2 hours.
Also today we started getting neurological responses again: he raised his eyebrows a couple of times, wiggled his big toe, and closed his eyes and held them closed then opened them again-All on command. This has helped me emotionally because we had had a few days when he did not respond to commands. Praise be to the LORD!

Small steps lead to victory and don't be mislead we have a long road to travel, but right now I will celebrate and praise!

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Overall Healing of Guy's body
the new plan has the results that the doctor intended
consistant neurological assessment results-which are better but not consistant
As the sedative/pain medicines are reduced he does not figure out a way to get his hands, which are restrained for his safety, free (he is working on wiggling his way around so his hand will reach the ventalator tubes)
get off the ventalator

Prayers for the family
My mother, who had our children to went to the doctor, and is having gall bladder trouble. Pray the antibiotic works or she will need surgery.

Continued patients, strength, wisdom, and to be fearless in all situations

For the Newcomb kiddos
Have fun and worship the Lord at Bible School.
Take good care of Granny. Even when she is sick she doesn't want to share you with anyone else :)
Learn as much as you can from Papa about farm life and horse trading. I would love to hear about your trip this morning.
Hugs and kisses...I LOVE You

Morning 7-26-10

Day 8

Before I share about Guy, Hannah, our 9 year old, has created her own blog to share information from, with the help of her cousin Brittany. I told her that I would share that address with all of you so you could read her posts as well. She is a doll and loves her daddy a lot. She is a daddy's girl. Feel free to write to her as well the summer reading will be good for her :)
Hannah's Blog

The settings on Guy's ventalator are set now so that he initiates the breathing the ventalatore just controls how much air goes in. Due to to broken ribs he would not take in large breaths that will expand the lungs completely, so the ventalator fills the lungs once he takes the breath. This change took place last night and has not been changed back. I am encouraged by the respatory therapist telling me the settings he is on currently are settings that they can remove ventalators from. Guy still needs his for one the broken ribs, so there is not a current plan to remove it yet.

Following the new plan from yesterday, the nurse has been able to reduce his sedative from 5 mg/hour to 4mg/hour. The pain medicine is still at 150mcg/hour.These two are constant IV drips. Since the beginning they have had him on these two things and on top of that.... they have had to give him bolus(s)-bonus shots- of one or the other to help him stay calm and asleep. The change they made yesterday, which is hard for me to explain, was to help them begin to reduce the number of bolus(s) they were giving and the amount of sedative/pain medicine Guy is recieving. So today they hope to not have to bolus as much and the one IV drip has been reduced. Both praises in my book.

I am told over and over that these things take we wait. We are on God's time schedule-and he already knows how it ends, so we are weathering the storm and holding on tight.

Prayers for Guy
God's will be done
Overall Healing of Guy's body
the new plan has the results that the doctor intended
consistant neurological assessment results
get off the ventalator

Prayers for the family
My mother, who had our children to go to the doctor, as of last night she was still feeling below the weather. And for her to have a peace of mind that I am doing ok.

for continued patients, strength, and to be fearless, because God is providing us with that as of now

For the Newcomb kiddos
Haley you need to respond to a blog comment from yesterday, 6 Blue Dolphins (Mrs. Funk) wants to know how your driving lessons are going and I am fairly curious myself.
Hannah I told people about your BLOG so don't for get to write something on it today (once a day would be good) and I would love for you to post/write what you, Haley, and Canton have done during the day so I can stay informed.
Canton ride Velvet for me if you get a chance and if not at least take her a horse treat for me. Love you all a TON and missing you all! Talk to you soon.
Hugs and Kisses

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Afternoon 7-25-10

This morning the doctor (weekend coverage) made the decision to make a change in Guy's treatment. With this change they are hoping to be able to reduce the amount of sedative he is being given. The goal is that he will be able to wake up and participate better in the neurological assessment and be weaned off some of the pain medicine. It will take a little time to see result.

I can only compare this experience it to trying to put together a nine piece puzzle in which there is only one way to make all the pieces fit together and getting down to only one piece left and it not fitting, so you start switching pieces. Eventally they will all fit.

Prayers for Guy
God's will be done
Overall Healing of Guy's body
the new plan has the results that the doctor intended
consistant neurological assessment results
get off the ventalator

Prayers for the family and myself
continued strength and patients

For Haley, Hannah, and Canton
Have fun with Granny at Bible School!

I am very thankful for the abundance of love poured out on me in the way of snack food. So many things have been brought to us that it would take a year for us to put away that much snack food. There is a family sitting across the waiting room from Florida, including about 3-4 families with 3 children. One of their family members, a 27 year old young man, was in a motorcycle accident. Today some of our abandance was passed on to them and they were very appreciative. And not to worry we still have plenty to sustain us a while, as well :)

Love to all-Keep praying!

Morning 7-25-10

Day 7
I do not have much to report this morning..things are just slow moving. I do have a praise that earlier I asked everyone to pray that he wake up better, not fighting so much and that has happened. So now we just need him to follow the nurses' commands when he is awake. And they are currently taking out the chest tube!

I posted early on that I needed to be patient waiting and a wonderful friend sent me this song and I feel that their are lots of you out their waiting with me for answers and maybe the lyrics can help you wait as well. The lyrics are good but if you can listen to the song, it is even better.

John Waller: "While I'm Waiting"

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord

Prayer for Guy first and formost GOD's WILL BE DONE
-Complete and total healing for Guy
- to wake up and pass the neurological assessments consistantly
-the chest tube to be removed (Being removed now- pray that is can stay out)
-to get off the ventalator

Prayer for the family
Endurance, Strength, and mostly Patients

Note: My kids are reading this daily and Hannah requested a message to them so...

Good Morning kids-I Love you and so does daddy. Be good for Granny and Papa.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Evening 7-24-10

I have so appreciated all the visitors who have come by. As of today we have had to limit visitation into Guy to immidiate family only. Hopefully in a few days we will be able to stretch that out to extended family and then to frineds. I am sorry but this is what the doctors feel is best for Guy. But by all means if you want to come and visit the rest of us we welcome the company.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god. And the peace of God, wich surpasses all understanding, will guard yur hearts and yur minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4: 6-7 (Thank you Shaela for the card box of verses)

This verse along with a devotional about prayer that Susan brought me discussing Ephesians 3:20 he is able to do immessurably more than all we ask or imagine. The devotion was about how when we pray small prayers we are underestimating the power of God. Lets Pray Big

Prayer for Guy first and formost God's will be done
-Complete Healing for Guy
-wake up and pass the neurological assessments consistantly
-the chest tube to be removed
-to get off the ventalator

Prayer for myself and the rest of the family
patients, patients, and more patients
Rest that is not awakened by fear setting in
My mom, who has our children, to feel better (she has been under the weather all week)

Morning 7-24-10

No news is good news. We are still plugging along. the chest x-ray continues to look better. His oxygen/CO2 levels are maintaining. He is initiating some breaths on his own through the ventalator. The lung is still in the process of healing, so there is still work to be done.

Prayer for Guy
--tolerate the waking up process better
- the chest tube to be removed (drainage has not stopped but is to a point that they could remove the tube, but now we are on weekend rotation and our normal doctor is off so it might be Monday)
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

Prayer for me
The kids are coming today. They are to young to go and see Guy in the NTICU, but I need a good dose of them and they need to see that I am ok. Please pray for wisdom.

Continue to pray for all of us
-to be patient
-to be strong and not let fear take hold
-to rest when we can

We are all very appreciative of the love showered in the way of visitors, cards, food, and most of all Prayers on our behalf. I have found comfort in the reading cards, emails, and facebook messages to Guy. Thank you to all and please keep writing and most of all PRAY!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Evening 7-23-10

Guy did make it back to the normal bed today so the lung is doing better.
He had a chest line for medicines, a PIC line was placed in through his right arm and the chest line was removed. The chest line was only temporary and would need to be replaced by Sunday, so they went a head today with the PIC line. The PIC line is a way for medicine to get into the body and can be used for a prolonged amount of time.

Prayer for Guy
-tolerate the waking up process better
-or the drainage to stop from the lung so that tube can be removed
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

Prayer for the rest of the family
Rest and patients
Wisdom in making desicions

Morning 7-23-10

Day 5

Guy spent the night on his back without the bed moving. We are waiting on the doctor to check the chest x-ray and then hopefully give the orders for him to move back to a normal bed. Guy is still hit and miss on following commands during the neurological assessments but know that he does occasionally means the brain is firing.

Prayer for Guy
-move to the normal bed
-tolerate the waking up process better
-or the drainage to stop from the lung so that tube can be removed
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

Prayer for myself and the rest of the family
endurance and strength
continued wisdom

Since I started this post the doctor came in and he IS being moved to regular bed and the lung injury is imporving-Praise be to the Lord.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Evening 7-22-10

Tracey and Grant have been banned from visiting Guy for at least the next 8 hours. They came in with me while the nurse was giving Guy a neurological assessment, and they tried to cheat for him! Can you believe that, cheat for him???

Tracey and Grant are two of Guy's best friends in the entire world. They went to high school together and both were in our wedding. Anyone who knows them will completely believe MY story about what happend and here it is, Grant was on one side of Guy and Tracey on the other. Tracey was asking Guy to squeeze his hand. Guy squeezed and then Tracy asked him to let go, which is part of the assessment. Guy did not let go but Tracey said he did and Grant backed up the story to the nurse. Boys will be boys! It did make me smile and give me a great story to tell Guy when he really wakes up.

On their behalf he did respond to them by turning his head toward one and then back to the other. They both Love Guy alot and I know that he loves them right back!

On a serious note:
The injured lung is staying inflated on its own, more technical than that... but Good news. He is still on the ventalator and the chest tube is still in. he is still on the moving bed but will be flat on his back tonight to see if he can tolerate the lung therapy like this.

Prayer request for Guy continue to be
-to tolerate the waking up process better
-get to a place with his lungs to be moved back to a normal bed
-For the drainage to stop from the lung so that tube can be removed
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

Prayer for me
wisdom in making decisions for Guy
I am trying not to be on an emotional roller coaster, but feel a little anxious/nervous tonight- so for that to be cast out of me.

Prayer for the entire family
Patients and rest

Afternoon 7-22-10

Report on Guy
He is still on the rotating bed and rotating flatter on his back which is a step in the direction to getting back to a regular bed. We have had another restful day due to the fact that he is heavily sedated. The nurses lower the amount of sedation on a regular basis to check for neourological responses. Occasionally Guy will respond to their commands when sedation is lowered but it is not consistant. I have been told this is normal. It is hard to lower sedation for very long because his heart rate jumps, blood pressure rises, he fights the ventalator, and tries to sit up in an attempt to get off the bed...

Prayer request for Guy continue to be
-to tolerate the waking up process better (stright from Jamie, our day nurse for the 2nd day)
-get to a place with his lungs to be moved back to a normal bed
-For the drainage to stop from the lung so that tube can be removed
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

People have asked how I am doing and I will try to answer questions as I get them. SO,I am doing ok... God is granting me an amazing strength in that I know I can handle this because He promised not to give me more than I could bear. I cry, I meet with friends/family in the lobby to cry with them and have them make me laugh with stories and things they bring me, and then in the quiet of Guy's room I live in that moment loving him. God is comforting me with verses and songs that people are sending. I have had an abundance of love showered on me.

Prayer for me continues to be to have wisdom in making decision for Guy and continued strength.

Prayer needs for the entire family
-patients in waiting and sitting
-For Sherry, Guy's mom, to get some rest
-rest for my parents who have Haley, Hannah, and Canton and wisdom for them as they try to help them understand what is happening with their dad. That my mom feel better, she has been feeling a little under the weather.
-wisdom for the doctors and nurses caring for Guy.

Morning 7-22-10

Guy had a pretty good, restful night (and so did I, THANK YOU friends and Wellspring for the Hotel room)

I have seen the doctor moving about but not talked to him directly. I am not going to bother him, because he has other patients and I KNOW if something big comes up He will come to me. God will grant us the ability to wait and be patient.

The night nurse, Shawn, kept him comfortable and moving/rotating in the crazy bed that moves from side to side.Shawn and I talked about Guy waking up and wanting out of the bed and he said that it would be like waking up, feeling like you are in a dream and being scared. So he told Guy a few times during the night: "Guy you were in an accident, this is not a dream, you are safe."

Prayer needs for Guy
-He needs to get to a place with his lungs to be moved back to a normal bed, so he can have another cat scan and we can see what is going on with the head injury. They can not take the moving bed to that location for the scan.
-For the drainage to stop from the lung so that tube can be removed
-to get off the ventalator
-ultimantly complete healing

I have been asked about my prayer needs
-wisdom in making decisions for Guy

Prayer needs for the entire family
-patients in waiting and sitting (I am not a good sitter)
-rest for my parents who have Haley, Hannah, and Canton and wisdom for them as they try to help them understand what is happening with their dad.

Thanks to all and I changed the setting so anyone can post comments.

Psalm 62: 5-8

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evening Report 7-21-10

We are moving steady in the right direction. The bed that tilts one way and then the other has been layed a little flatter, which makes the lungs work a little harder than when Guy was at an angle. The doctor is hoping that the lung strength will improve enough that they can place him back in a regular bed tomorrow.

They are working on healing the lungs. At times during the day/night the nurses reduce the sedative to see if guy will follow commands such as squeeze my hand, release my hand, blink your eyelids, raise your eyebrows, wiggle your toes. Guy is confused about where he is and as he wakes up yesterday he would follow a command or two and then decide he wanted out of the bed-and due to the ventalator and other tubes they would have to push the sedation back up. Today was a little different in that as the sedation would wear down he would go to "let me out of here" before the nurse could get him to follow commands.

I watched him open his eyes several times today and then close them to rest. His body needs lots of rest.

When I asked the nurse what our main prayer should be- I was told that we wanted the ventalator removed, Guy breathing on his own. So warriors get on it!

I saw the doctor today- on the NICU area and in the hall- but did not get a formal report from him. He saw Keith in the hallway and gave him "a tumbs up" and a "headed in the right direction report". I am finding this area to be a very busy area of the hospital.

Visitors are amazing! We can not be in the room with Guy from 5-8am and 5-8pm. This is when the nurses are changing shifts. So this is when we are all in the waiting room, but you can find someone there at most all times. We have all enjoyed visitors and appreciate the fellowship and even laughter.

Morning Report 7-21-10

I have not seen a doctor yet so I will give you some answers to questions that I have recieved about: What happened?

Guy was in a 4 wheeler accident Sunday afternoon about 1/2 mile away from our home.
He was airlifted from that site and brought to Cox South in Springfield.
We are currently in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit and may be here for a while, doctors say a week at the least.

We are taking things as they come and looking forward. I feel like we have great doctors and nurses who are providing Guy with the best care possible.

Guy is pretty heavily sedated because when he is not, he wants out of the bed and tubes out-Not a man who likes to lay still going on day 3.

Current Prayer request is that Guy stay relaxed and not be aggitated so the healing can come.

Again I can not get over the amount of LOVE that has been poured out on us here! We all appreciate the text messages, facebook messages, phone calls, visits and most of all the PRAYER being lifted up on our behalf, please keep it up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Evening Report

I know that everyone is wanting to know results and how things are changing and it is not going to happen quickly. I will post things as I get them but sometimes it may not be much.

The lungs have been the biggest issue as of late. The doctors have Guy on a special bed that rotates and allows the pressure to each lung to be relieved and filled full of oxygen and then rotates him to the other side. This is helping the injured lung and helping his body get fully oxygenated.

The air pocket in the lung is a little smaller now than it was yesterday. Meaning not as much air in the wrong place. He is still on the ventalator and the lung is still draining fluid (but not alot).

When his sedative in reduced he does show some signs of response. Grasping hands, wiggling toes, blinking eyes. He will turn his head to voices. But when the sedative is reduced he wants out of the bed, which can not happen. His body needs rest to recover, so he is kept pretty sedate.

Prayer needs for tonight:
Guy to rest and healing. I am sure his ribs are hurting and he does not like being strapped down, so also cooperation from him in keeping still.

For Keith, Sherry, Ginger, Dwayne, Heather, myself and the rest of the family-REST this may be a long wait.

We all appreciate the prayers-Keep it up, Guy needs you and so do the rest of us.

Starting today

I must begin by saying thank you to all the people who have poured out love and prayers on Guy, myself, our children, Guy's parents, his siblings, and the entire family over the last 48 hours. I stand in awe as to the number of people who have called, came by, sent messages, and lifted up prayers. We are forever grateful!

I will try to post often to keep people updated on Guy's status.

His injuries:
*Left pneumothrax-air in the lung where it shouldn't be
*Bilateral lung contusions-brusing to both lungs
*5 left rib fractures-broken ribs on upper part of chest
*abrasions to left chest and flank-scraps to the left chest and left back
*Left paristal fracture-fracture on left side of skull above and behind the ear
*contusions on right side of brain-bruising and blood on right side of brain

Things are critical, current prayer request is overall healing and oxegenation to the entire body.

Doctors make rounds from 5-8 so I will post again later and try to fill in on some things that have occured up to this point.