Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evening 7-29-10

Night 12

Guy is a little more aware this evening, he remembered that he was in Springfield and began answering questions with yes and no shakes of the head. He is talking in some phrases. I am learning that head injuries are really slow moving.

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Complete healing
a clear mind
pneumonia, staff, and bacterial infection to clear and NO new infections to set in
removal of the neck brace-still waiting
eat and drink on his own
His right leg (I have not seen him move it)

Prayer for the Family
Patients while he is clearing his mind
Protection from illness
My mother's gall bladder-feeling some better
For our children, The Rock Solid Staff, and kids attending the camp.

Message to the Newcomb Kids
Be good for the Burlisons. Will you sleep in the tents?
Hugs and Kisses
I LOVE you,


  1. Each post has shown progress to us as readers. Thank you so much for keeping the blog going. It is the first thing that I think of in the mornings and the last thing that I check before going to bed. May you continue to feel God's presence by your side each step of the way. May He continue to bless as we pray for specific needs in your life!
    Love you,

  2. Vicki,

    Just want you to know we are thinking of you...You have shown amazing strength throughout the past 2 weeks! We continue to pray BIG for Guy...that God will give him abundant strength during his recovery! We are here for you whatever you may need! Love ya,

    Brian, Robin, Hunter, Haleigh and Cooper

  3. Vicki:

    I'm reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 which talks of "running the race" with perseverance and strength...may you continue to run this race with these things and patience. Kellen and I pray for you many times a day and we appreciate the updates on the blog. You are inspiring! Keep the faith sister! Prayers from St. Jo
