Monday, July 26, 2010

Afternoon 7-26-10

Hannah was so excited, when I talked to her on the phone, that people were "talking" to her on the computer. She was so excited that Canton is wanting people to talk to him as well, there may be another blog in the making. Can't thank you enough for loving my children through your posts.

Update on Guy
The ventalator settings have been lowered again and Guy is tolerating it well.
The change in plan in short version: he receives additional meds every three hours through his feeding tube and that seems to be what he needed to make progress because:
Sedative was reduced from 4mg/hr down to 3mg/hr
Pain medication was reduced from 150 mcg/hr down to 100 mcg/hr
The nurse only bolused him 3 times today and with less medicine than yesterday. Yesterday he was bolused about every 2 hours.
Also today we started getting neurological responses again: he raised his eyebrows a couple of times, wiggled his big toe, and closed his eyes and held them closed then opened them again-All on command. This has helped me emotionally because we had had a few days when he did not respond to commands. Praise be to the LORD!

Small steps lead to victory and don't be mislead we have a long road to travel, but right now I will celebrate and praise!

Prayer for Guy
God's will be done
Overall Healing of Guy's body
the new plan has the results that the doctor intended
consistant neurological assessment results-which are better but not consistant
As the sedative/pain medicines are reduced he does not figure out a way to get his hands, which are restrained for his safety, free (he is working on wiggling his way around so his hand will reach the ventalator tubes)
get off the ventalator

Prayers for the family
My mother, who had our children to went to the doctor, and is having gall bladder trouble. Pray the antibiotic works or she will need surgery.

Continued patients, strength, wisdom, and to be fearless in all situations

For the Newcomb kiddos
Have fun and worship the Lord at Bible School.
Take good care of Granny. Even when she is sick she doesn't want to share you with anyone else :)
Learn as much as you can from Papa about farm life and horse trading. I would love to hear about your trip this morning.
Hugs and kisses...I LOVE You


  1. Vickie,
    I don't know you...but you are a true inspiration. I read what you write in these posts and can only be amazed what a strong and true woman, mother, wife and Christian you are. Guy must be the luckiest man in the world. My family and I continue to pray for you, Guy and your family.
    Tracy Bradshaw

  2. Thank God the Guy is moving in the healing direction. Do they have any idea when he can start having visitors again? We will continue to pray for the Newcomb family daily. HI Hailey, Hannah and Canton have fun at VBS!
    The Butterfields

  3. What an incredible God we serve - I am so happy to hear of Guy's progress and will continue to pray for his healing. You are constantly in my prayers as well - and I hope that you are taking care of yourself. Let me know if you want a running buddy and I'll grab my shoes and head to Springfield! Sending warm thoughts and hugs from the kids - Ang

  4. Harlie learned of your address for your Blog today and I have read it. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    Nancy G.

  5. Vickie~ I am celebrating and praising with you!! What an encouraging day...Praise you, Lord!! Still lifting you all up to our loving and merciful Lord...1 Peter 5:10 & 11 ~ And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen....We love you all!

    The Van Tassells

  6. Praise the Lord for progress. I am praying for your continued wisdom and strength. The Lord give you peace and rest. L West

  7. We had another great night at Bible School. I think that we had 166 tonight. We had a little rain so the temp dropped so it was more comfortable for outside activities. Hannah was thrilled that we already knew that she had her own blog. She is keeping count of how many are following her opposed to you!! I could get a great math lesson in there with that..length of time, percentage, etc...Our lesson was to trust God even when we are going through trials and just how much God cares for us. I trust that it was reassuring to Hannah to hear the Bible story and take part in the many activities about that theme. Take care. Please know that we are loving on your kids every chance that we have!!

  8. Angie
    I have been a little off my game these last 8 days. I ran today but only for a short while. I would love for you to come for a run, but I might not be able to keep up.

    Clarise- that is to funny about Hannah, I have no idea where she gets her competetive personality? Thanks for loving on her and the others. I think I should have been at bible school for the lesson.

  9. Makenze and I have had you and your family in our thoughts and our prayers. You are an amazing person and your love and faith in the Lord show through. God has a special plan for those that serve him and it is definate that you and your family are apart of that elite group. We will continue to pray for your strength so you can continue to care for all those around you. We know u never rest so please try to so u can stay healthy. Makenze and Amber Spear

  10. Vickie,
    God is good all the time! I am so happy to hear of the improvements that Guy is making!!! Guy, you and the kids as well as the medical team are all in our prayers. The faith and attitude you carry are amazing and will make this journey so much easier to handle. God Bless
    Shantra Tucker
