Friday, July 30, 2010

Afternoon 7-30-10

We are moving out of NTICU!!!! (sometime this afternoon)

I will post details later.

Keep praying!


  1. OH MY!!! Fantastic news!!! I can’t wait for details!!!!! I hope this means the kids will get to see Guy!!!  What a wonderful way to kick off the weekend for them!!! Tracy Daniels

  2. SO glad you are moving out of there. Making good progress. Scott and I were just talking about the chew convo last night, too funny. We are thinking about you and hope an pray for the continuing positive results.

    Lea Ann, Scott and Gage.

  3. GREAT NEWS!! I will continue to pray that progress continues. Needing a chew is a great sign as I know that would be the first think Joe would want and he would not be very pleased if I didn't bring it to him.

    God Bless,
    The Gambriel Crew

  4. Dear Vicki,
    Just wanted to let you all know that we are praying for you and Guy and all your family! God is there at every turn! May the Holy Spirit cover over you! love from Cousin Trudy in Minnesota
